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Site Development Review Committee Archived Agendas

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Name Type Date Time
11-19-24.pdf Chrome HTML Document 11/13/2024 4:34:42 PM
CU24-000106, Site and Landscape Plan, 1001 W Villa Maria Rd, 11-12-24.pdf Chrome HTML Document 11/12/2024 11:23:43 AM
CU24-000107, Site Plan, 2607 Staunton Dr, 11-08-2024.pdf Chrome HTML Document 11/8/2024 9:13:16 AM
CU24-000108, Site Plan, 3949 W Villa Maria Rd, 11-13-24.pdf Chrome HTML Document 11/13/2024 2:18:44 PM
FP24-000109, Final Plat, Trad Ph 41, 11-13-24.pdf Chrome HTML Document 11/13/2024 12:31:52 PM
FP24-000110, Final Plat, 766 N Harvey Mitchell, Zgabay Storage, 11-13-24.pdf Chrome HTML Document 11/13/2024 9:08:33 AM
MP24-000101, Master Plan, Highland Hills Townhomes Ph 1, 11-13-24.pdf Chrome HTML Document 11/13/2024 12:35:39 PM
RP24-000106, Replat, Highland Hills Ph 1, 11-13-24.pdf Chrome HTML Document 11/13/2024 12:56:09 PM
RP24-000118, Replat-Buchanan Addn, 11-13-24.pdf Chrome HTML Document 11/13/2024 12:25:46 PM
RP24-000122, Replat, 2909 Boxelder Dr, 11-13-24.pdf Chrome HTML Document 11/13/2024 12:49:58 PM
SP24-000144, Trail Site Plan, Rizzos Landing Site Plan, 11-08-2024.pdf Chrome HTML Document 11/8/2024 4:54:51 PM
SP24-35, Site Plan, Lake Walk B6 & B7, 11-13-24.pdf Chrome HTML Document 11/13/2024 11:43:03 AM